My Finished and Submitted Animation!..Gahhhh!'s got sound and all!..sooo amazed!..hehe..took me forever to get it sync!..but so proud of it!..=)
A Little Summary
Well It's basically an animation to show the timeline of how the earth was created following the guidelines from Genesis.
The first symbol basically shows
- heaven and earth..
- and then it morphs into light and darkness..
- then to creation of the seas..
- then sun and the moon..
- then The Four seasons
- then Animals
- Humans
- The tree of Knowledge and the apple
- Thats when things go all bad and all the bad disasters start happening..
- The plague
- The Community (human symbols)
- World war 1 & 2
- Global Warming
- Sept 11 attack.
- The line shows tht it continues from there..